What is your title at EvCC, and what will you be doing in your day-to-day endeavors at the College?
My job title is Instructional Tech II. I am joining the I-Catch program. My day-to-day will be making myself available to students in the I-Catch program and meeting their individual study needs. I’m very excited to be part of I-Catch, which is a program that was developed to remove barriers from students going back to school for careers in healthcare. I am looking forward to developing relationships with the students, and growing into my role here at the College.
Tell us a little about your professional background.
The last three years of my professional life have been spent as a sound engineer, Audio-Visual Tech, and certified technology specialist. Before that, I was a student here at the Everett Community College. During my three years at Everett Community College, I worked in the writing center as a writing assistant. I found that work extremely rewarding, and would highly recommend it to any students at EvCC who feel drawn to it.
What was your most memorable job? Why?

I would say my most memorable job was tutoring at the writing center. Supporting students and watching them grow in the writing process filled me with an overwhelming sense of purpose, and of course helped me grow in my writing process as well.
What does a typical day look like for you?
I’d like to describe an ideal day instead of a typical day, especially since my typical day is changing, as I learn my role here at EvCC.
On an ideal day, I would wake up as the sun rises. I’m imagining that the day before, I had remembered to set my coffee machine to make coffee in the morning, so I have a fresh cup of coffee. My children get up on their own, and don’t argue at all. I make fried potatoes and eggs, and we have a nice breakfast at the table; no one asks if they can leave the table early to play video games. We take Tom Thumb (our dog) on a nice long walk, and maybe get a donut at Henry’s donuts if everyone is behaving (which they are, since this is my ideal day). My children and I do some tidying when we get home, and then play a board game. I pull out the hammock set it up in the backyard and read a book in the sun. My sisters stop by for dinner, which is quinoa and steamed veggies. After dinner, we say goodbye to my sisters, everyone gets ready for bed, and we are off to bed early – mmmm, ideal.
Describe yourself at 12 years old.
Doesn’t everyone describe themselves as awkward at twelve?! I was afraid of people, and kept my nose in books in order to escape social interactions. These transitional periods are difficult for many people, and they certainly were for me.

What is your favorite meal/ snack in spring? Favorite spring beverage?
Oooh, so specific. If I had to choose a snack for spring, maybe fresh spring rolls with basil and tofu, and for a beverage I’m going with jasmine tea.
What would be the title of your autobiography?
How about, “A Morning Fog” or maybe “The Fog Descends,” or even worse “A Cool Fog Enters the Room.”
These are bad my last name puns, if you didn’t catch it.
What is the first concert you attended?
Amy Grant, was my first concert. Anyone remember her? She was the queen of my youth. My sisters and I were wild about her. “Stop for a minute, baby I’m so glad you’re mine.”
What is your favorite hobby or pastime?

I have a bunch. My family plays a lot of board games, Settlers of Catan is a big one for us. Also, I enjoy roller skating, swing dancing, and I happen to be a foosball champ.
What are you reading right now/ what was the last book you read? Are you participating in any reading challenges?
Last book that I read was a Terry Pratchett novel. I love Discworld.
I’m in the middle of an interesting biography of the life of Imelda Marcos at the moment. The Seattle Repertory Theatre had a musical called Here Lies Love last year. It was an interactive musical about the Life of Imelda Marcos and the Marcos regime, written by David Byrne of Talking Head fame. It was an absolutely beautiful, poignant, and really fun musical and it sparked an interest in Imelda for me that I am just now exploring.
What one food do you wish had zero calories?
I am not proud of it, but I’m going to say Doritos Cool Ranch. I won’t buy them, because I know that I have no self-control in their presence, but they are my guilty pleasure, so addictive.
Where is your hometown? Were you born and raised in the same place?
Everett is my home town! Born and raised, I love it here. We are close enough to the mountains to get to the mountains, close enough to the city to get to the city, and we have plenty here that is worth exploring.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I have a degree I need to finish, so I hope to have that done in five years. I see myself living in Everett working at the College, but with a finished degree.

What do you like to do on your days off?
I like hiking, the Northern Cascades are a giant playground. If I have time to plan for my days off, I like to take the kids and get out hiking in the cascades.
Do you have a favorite quote/ piece of advice?
Actually, I have one that I’ve been thinking about lately that is really beautiful. I will leave you on this note by the french philosopher Simone Weil, “The joy of learning is as indispensable in study, as breathing is in running.”