Behind the Resume #36 – Amee Moon

What is your title at EvCC, and what will you be doing in your day-to-day endeavors at the College?
I am the Associate Director of International Student Engagement. I will be planning events and activities to help international students connect with the campus, participate in the community, and adjust to life in the U.S.  We also want them to make friends, explore Washington, and HAVE FUN!

Tell us a little about your professional background.

Amee in Thailand

Three study abroad experiences in Brazil, Argentina and Chile started me on an international career path. My first job out of college was at Intel, where I did marketing and web localization projects for Latin America. Shortly after returning to the U.S., I signed up to teach English in Japan for two years. When that gig was up, I moved to the Seattle area to do marketing and recruiting for international students at Highline College, eventually transitioning into student leadership and development (you know, the fun stuff). I stayed at Highline for 13 years prior to landing at Everett.

What was your most memorable job? Why?
My most memorable job was in the Intel Brazil office in Sao Paulo, mostly because of the crazy cast of characters who worked there. I laughed until I cried every single day.

What does a typical day look like for you?
These days I’m waking up insanely early, dreaming up fun events that students will like, and planning for every bizarre contingency that could possibly arise!

Amee, her mom, and brother, Michael

Describe yourself at 10 years old.
At 10 I was a happy, talkative kid who loved soccer and making waterslides in the backyard. But that was also the year I dislocated my kneecap for the first time (skiing), so I spent a lot of time on the sofa watching MTV with my cat and an ice pack.

What is your favorite meal/ snack in summer? Favorite summer beverage?
I love hamburgers. I didn’t eat beef for 12 years and hamburgers were the only thing I truly missed! I don’t have a particular favorite “summer” drink. I pretty much live on Starbucks black tea lemonade all year round.

What is your favorite movie and book?
There is no possible way I could answer this question.

Favorite summer vacation spot?
Somewhere far, far away.

What is your favorite hobby or pastime?

Amee visiting her sister, Allison, in Sweden

I love to eat, watch movies and travel. I’m an avid reader of historical non-fiction, but I throw in other genres sometimes as well. I also love karaoke, but trust me when I say, you do NOT want to be present for that!

What are you reading right now/ what was the last book you read? Are you participating in any reading challenges?
“The Lady and the Peacock,” a biography of Aung San Suu Kyi by Peter Popham. She is one of the people I admire most in the world.

Amee in Laos

What one food do you wish had zero calories?
Cheese!!! Or chocolate. Definitely mashed potatoes. Oh, and hamburgers. Tater tots would be nice. And anything Italian. Or Mexican. Milkshakes. I think I could do this all day.

Where is your hometown? Were you born and raised in the same place?
I moved around my whole life, so I don’t have a hometown. I was born in Florida, but also lived in California, Texas, Colorado, Oregon, Washington D.C., Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Japan and of course, Washington State. I went to high school in Oregon, though, so I guess that’s the only place where I still know my way around.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Playing badminton with my daughter on the private beach behind my villa in the Caribbean. Or possibly planning events for international students at EvCC. I could go either way.

What do you like to do on your days off?

Amee and her daughter, Chikako

Relax and enjoy time with my daughter, Chikako, spending money we don’t have.

Do you have a favorite quote/ piece of advice?
“Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.” Or just about any other sentence Mark Twain ever committed to paper.


Behind the Resume #30 – Jennifer Enger

jennifer-engerWhat is your title at EvCC, and what will you be doing in your day-to-day endeavors at the College?

I am the Instructional Classroom and Support Technician for  I-CATCH (Innovations in Creating Access to Careers in Health).  I will be leading study sessions for students, tutoring students one-on-one, assisting in the classroom, and helping to plan workshops for the students.

Tell us a little about your professional background.

I have an associates degree in Veterinary Technology, a certificate in Medical Transcription, and I am currently finishing my bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies.  I worked for over 15 years in the veterinary field.  For the past four years, I worked at Seattle Pacific University in their Health Clinic as a medical receptionist.  

My husband, Steve, is my best friend.

What was your most memorable job? Why?

My most memorable job was working as a veterinary technician.  Sometimes, the patients were not thrilled to see you.  I was often the “cat wrangler” at the clinic. This required donning leather gloves and “making the cat into a burrito”  a.k.a. wrapping it up in a towel.   This job required a lot of multitasking.  One minute you were taking an x-ray, the next minute you were drawing a blood sample, or placing an IV catheter.  I was never bored, and it was very rewarding.   

What does a typical day look like for you?  

I spend time in the mornings either planning study sessions for students or leading study sessions.  By mid-day, I am helping in the classrooms.  At the end of the day, I am entering attendance and completed workbook points into Canvas.

My sweet dog, Sally.

Describe yourself at 10 years old.  

My childhood friends and I would hang out in a nearby church parking lot.  Since there were no cars using it on the weekdays or Saturdays, we would ride our bikes around it, roller-skate there, or play lava monster tag.

What is your favorite meal/ snack in autumn? Favorite fall beverage?  

My favorite thing to eat in Autumn is pumpkin pie.  A close second would be my family’s  homemade apple pie with crumble crust.  My favorite Autumn beverage is apple cider, but I also love pumpkin spice lattes.

What is your favorite movie and book?  

My favorite book is Jane Eyre.  My favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice.

If your house was burning down, what’s the one non-living thing you would save?

I would save the hamster cages, so that our hamsters would not be homeless.

Fort Casey is one of our favorite hangouts. (Picture of my son and myself).

Favorite travel spot?   

I love to go to Whidbey Island.  We enjoy camping at Deception Pass, and my family also likes to visit Camp Casey.

What is your favorite hobby or pastime?   

I love to go camping with my family.  I also love to crochet and spend time reading.

What are you reading right now/ what was the last book you read? Are you participating in any reading challenges?   

The last book I read was the Social Life of DNA.   

What one food do you wish had zero calories?  Dark Chocolate

Where is your hometown? Were you born and raised in the same place?  

I grew up and was raised in Seattle.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?  

I see myself finished with my Bachelor’s degree and enjoying all of the hobbies that I have put on hold.

Having fun with my family at Long Beach, WA. (Windy picture with kids)

What do you like to do on your days off?  

Spend time having fun with my two children.

Do you have a favorite quote/ piece of advice?   

My favorite quote is from Barbara Johnson:  “Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.”

Behind the Resume #20 – Stephanie Coxon

What is your title at EvCC, and what will you be doing in your day-to-day Stephanie Coxonendeavors at the College?

Administrative Assistant 4 – Student Services (Dean’s Administrative Assistant) to Laurie Franklin.


Tell us a little about your professional background.

I worked in Retail for 7 years in order to put myself through college.  After college, I went into Banking for 2 years, worked for 3 years in Social Work, held Administrative Assistant roles for 13 years, and most recently was a Human Resources Generalist for 3 years.

What was your first job?Picture courtesy of:

I was 13 and had an all-summer babysitting/mother’s helper job watching a 2 year-old boy while his parents were landscaping and remodeling their summer cabin at the lake. I canoed to work every day!

Riley - our Chocolate Lab
Riley – our Chocolate Lab


What does a typical day look like for you?

Work, make dinner, spend time with my husband, play with our dog.

Describe yourself at 10 years old.

I was a kid that was outside as much as I could be.  I’d be playing Little League softball, basketball, swimming, fishing, climbing trees, making forts, traveling with my family during summer vacation (I think that year it was a road trip to down Highway 101 to Oregon’s Sea Lion Caves, The Wharf in San Francisco, Disneyland, Universal Studios, Sea World and Tijuana, Mexico).

What’s the one thing you can’t live without?


Are you messy or organized?

I am organized at work – I have the 5S Lean Principles ingrained in me from past manufacturing and aerospace companies I have worked for.  However, at home, not as much…I try but life gets in the way.

What is the most important/valuable thing you have learned in the last five years?

Don’t sweat the small stuff.  – You won’t remember it 5 years from now.

Mariner's Game
Mariner’s Game

What’s on your bucket list?

Go to the Grand Canyon and to see a Mariner’s Spring Training game in Peoria, AZ

What is your favorite hobby or pastime?

Reading, fishing, cooking.

What are you reading right now/ what was the last book you read? Are you participating in any reading challenges?

Last book I re-read was Saving Cascadia by John J. Nance.  The story takes place on the Washington Coast.  I also love True Crime.  Ann Rule is my favorite author; I had the opportunity to meet her at a book signing.

If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see? Why?

Maybe not a specific event, but I would love to visit the Age of Enlightenment.  So many extraordinary thinkers and doers!

Haleakala in Maui
Haleakala in Maui, 2011

Where is your hometown? Were you born and raised in the same place?

Arlington, WA – Born and raised in the same place.

How many homes have you lived in since you were born?   

4 homes and 1 college dormitory

If your life were a book, what would it be titled?

Not sure.  I am still writing the chapters in my “book”.  When writing, I have always had the inspiration for a title to come to me when I finished.

Do you have a favorite quote/ piece of advice?

The Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Pearl Harbor, Oahu, 2011
Pearl Harbor, Oahu, 2011