What is your title at EvCC, and what will you be doing in your day-to-day endeavors at the College?
I am the new Associate Director of International Education. My days will find me developing and strengthening cross-campus partnerships to ensure the best educational opportunities for our students who come from overseas. My role is to ensure they understand how the U.S. college system works and where they can find the on- and off-campus help they need and guide them through the troubleshooting process. I will assist with international student admissions, coordinate international student orientation, and serve as the international

office’s liaison for our high school completion program. As part of the recruitment team I will also work with our partners abroad to promote the fantastic academic program options we have available here.
Tell us a little about your professional background.

I have been working in international education (primarily study abroad) since 2007. In 2007 I began assisting remotely with the development of an immersion program in Ecuador. From 2008-2010 I worked as a Study Abroad Advisor and Faculty-Led Program Coordinator at Central Washington University. In 2010, I was offered a fulltime on-site position with El Nomad Study Abroad Programs and relocated to Ecuador where I worked in curriculum integration, outreach, and relationship development with foreign institutions until March of this year.
What was your first job?

Although my first job was when I was in high school working at Longs Drugs in Kirkland, I have held a variety of interesting jobs during my young adulthood including: selling duty free cigarettes through a Canadian outsourced call center located in Buenos Aires (Argentina) to U.S. clients, marketing manager for a water taxi and jet boat company on the Sydney Harbour, and a university professor in Cuenca, Ecuador.
How do you commute to work? What is your favorite radio station/ program to listen to on your commute (if any)?

I drive. It is the first time I have driven to work in 7 years! You can find me shamelessly blasting music and singing along as loudly as possible. I like everything from Latin ballads, to rock, to Indie American folk music, it just depends on the day… but one guarantee is that I’m always singing.
If you could have any super power (flying, time travel, etc.), what would it be?
Some kind of super speed or teleportation so I could spend my weekends exploring far off lands and still make it back for work on Monday morning.

What are your goals/ ambitions in your position at EvCC?
Wow. I have so many. First off, to fill the very big shoes that are being left behind. I hope I do the position justice!
I am looking forward to developing new partnerships in Latin America, using my cross-cultural and Spanish language abilities to reach out to prospective new partners throughout the Spanish-speaking world.
Also, I am excited about working with my co-workers to improve our office’s use of online technology and social media for exposure and recruitment purposes.

Last, but not least, this job is all about the students! I look forward to getting to know our current and future students (local and international alike) and hope I can work to make their EvCC experience all it can be!

What is your favorite hobby or pastime?
I love traveling, being abroad, exploring new countries, and floundering with new languages. That is by far my favorite pastime. My other passion is running. I am an aspiring distance runner and will be attempting to finish the Bellingham Bay Full Marathon at the end of September. My hope is to continue my training and run the 2016 Ragnar Relay and become an ultra-marathoner. Needless to say, you’ll find me at the gym during my lunch hour.

What are you reading right now/ what was the last book you read?
I am currently reading Daughters of Distance by Vanessa Runs. It’s all about being a woman in ultra-running and how feminism can meet athletics head-on allowing women to be themselves while still participating in extreme sporting events.
Who is your hero/ heroine? Why?
My mother. Lord knows how she has survived having me as a daughter!

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? Why?
I tend to have a unique way of seeing the world and choose interesting paths. So I have always taken to heart the following from Alice in Wonderland:
The Mad Hatter: “Have I gone mad?”
Alice: “I’m afraid so. You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.”