What is your title at EvCC, and what will you be doing in your day-to-day endeavors at the College?
Workfirst Program Inter-agency Liaison. I will be assisting Workfirst students in accessing and navigating college and community resources.
Tell us a little about your professional background.

I received my Bachelor’s degree in social work from Pacific Lutheran University. Since then I have spent over 12 years working in the nonprofit world. My experience includes working with many populations, including but not limited to: homeless and transitional youth, homeless adults, individuals with mental health and substance abuse challenges, individuals with disabilities, and low-income seniors.
What was your most memorable job? Why?

My most recent position was working with seniors and I really enjoyed working with this population because of how under-served they are. I enjoyed getting to know individuals, assisting them with maintaining their independence, and navigating systems. I loved hearing their “words of advice,” as they have so much knowledge and many life experiences to share.
What is your favorite meal/ snack in summer? Favorite summer beverage?
I love tacos! But then again, who doesn’t!? My favorite summer beverage would have to be an ice tea/lemonade mix.
Tell us three things most people don’t know about you.
I graduated from EvCC many years ago before transferring to PLU for my BSW degree.

I very, very, very strongly dislike coffee!
I broke both my elbows (at the same time) while I was pregnant.
What is your favorite book? Favorite movie? What makes these choices your favorites?
Book: Night by Elie Weisel. This was the first book I read about the Holocaust when studying it in High School and it was such an eye-opener to me at young age. Movie: The Wizard of Oz. It is a movie I grew up watching and have seen hundreds of times. I love the story, the music, the characters…
What are you reading right now/ what was the last book you read? Are you participating in any reading challenges?

I just had a baby (ok, maybe not just– she’s 6 months old this week), but I haven’t read anything in a while. I think the last book I read was a parenting book about communicating with your child (I also have a 4-year-old).
Where is your hometown? Were you born and raised in the same place?
I am from Stanwood, WA. I was raised there and graduated from Stanwood HS.
What do you like to do on your days off?
Spend time with my family: my husband Ryan, 4-year-old daughter Norah, and 6-month-old daughter, Vivian, read books, watch movies (neither of which I do much of), go to the beach and bake.
Do you have a favorite quote/ piece of advice?

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” – Maya Angelou