What is your title at EvCC, and what will you be doing in your day-to-day endeavors at the College?
Program Coordinator for the Facilities Department. I will be coordinating invoice processing, Megamations Dispatch, and other processes for EVCC facilities.
Tell us a little about your professional background.
I am a 2014 college graduate of Everett Community College with an ATA Degree in Business Technology and a Medical Receptionist Certificate and a Medical Administrative Support Certificate. I have over 9 years’ experience in the customer service industry.
What was your first job?
My first job was a courtesy clerk at Allen Creek Thriftway in Marysville, Wa. I got the job after 6 months of asking the store manager if there was a job opening. I didn’t get an interview because they all knew me by then. I bagged groceries, filled supplies, helped customers, and gathered up shopping carts. The owner of the store would sit across the street and watch me run as I retrieved carts. Yes, I ran when I gathered carts and the owner witnessed it with his own two eyes. He called my store manager and told him that they hired a great courtesy clerk. After that my nickname was “speedy.”

How do you commute to work? What is your favorite radio station/ program to listen to on your commute (if any)?
I drive to work listening to Spirit 105.3. Worshipping the Lord on the way in to work is the best way to start off my day!
Growing up, what did you see yourself doing for a career?
I saw myself being a Marine Biologist living on a research ship traveling the world.
What are your goals/ ambitions in your position at EvCC?
My long-term goals involve growing with EvCC where I can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities, and contribute as much of value as I can.

What is your favorite hobby or pastime?
I absolutely love fishing! In July, my family and I go on our annual fishing /camping trip to Baker Lake, WA. We get up at 3 am and drop our lines in the water by 4:30 am. Can you guess who is driving the boat in the pitch black at that time in the morning? You guessed it! Me! The kids will sleep in the bow of the boat while we troll the lake. At around 7 am poles start going off. We catch our limit before the kids even wake up! It gets pretty exhausting waking up at 3 in the morning the entire weekend to fish for sockeye salmon, but it is worth it!
What are you reading right now/ what was the last book you read? (Or, what is on your Summer Reading List?)
I am currently reading “Women of the Word” by Jen Wilkin.

Are you participating in EvCC’s Summer Reading “Book Bingo” this year?
Not this year, but maybe next year!
Who is your hero/ heroine? Why?
My hero is my mother because she is an independent, motivated individual who has sacrificed so much to give our family a wonderful life.
What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? Why?

“Live below your means” quoted by my 91 year old great aunt Lilly before she passed several years ago. This is the best advice I was given because it shows that you don’t need all the riches in the world to be happy, just your basic needs and my aunt Lilly was living proof of it.