What is your title at EvCC, and what will you be doing in your day-to-day endeavors at the College?

Hello! My title is Interim Dean of Health Sciences and Public Safety. My day-to-day endeavors will be to support our wonderful faculty and staff for those areas, as well as contribute to student success initiatives.
Tell us a little about your professional background.
I’ve served in higher education for a little over ten years. Six years with Green River College, where I served as a Dean of Instruction and Dean of Student Success and Retention, and four years with Edmonds Community College, as an instructor and program consultant within Workforce Education. Prior to my start within higher education, I helped the Washington Department of Veterans Affairs create their Traumatic Brain Injury Program. That was a very rewarding experience and I try to find ways to engage within the veterans and disability support services areas as often as they will let me.

What was your most memorable job? Why?
The most memorable job was the United States Army. I served for a little over five years, and deployed to both Afghanistan and Iraq. I met some incredible people during that time and everything that I experienced changed who I am today.
What is your favorite meal/ snack in summer? Favorite summer beverage?
My favorite meal/snack has to be seafood. I’m always trying to eat my weight in salmon and oysters. I live in the perfect place for that! My favorite summer beverage is probably beer…but I am a beer snob (full disclosure).
Tell us three things most people don’t know about you.

- I love riding on our ferries and try to do it as often as I can. I’m secretly trying to get one, or both, of my sons (14 and 8) to choose ferry boat captain as their future profession, so that I can ride with them whenever I want. I’ve promised to make them coffee, or get them snacks as a way of paying my way.
- I love to brew my own beer. My wife and I typically host several brewing days at our place each year and it is always fun to have people over to help out with the process. We try to make it a community event, as there is nothing better than being creative with others.
- Finally, my wife and I have had the goal of visiting all 50 states. We will finally finish that goal later on this fall. Travelling has been very rewarding, and we enjoy getting off of the beaten path wherever we end up. My favorite place is probably Homer, AK. We visited it earlier this year, and I fell in love. If you get a chance, Google the Land’s End Restaurant in Homer. The pictures/setting is stunning.
What is your favorite book? Favorite movie? What makes these choices your favorites?

This is really hard for me to nail down. My favorites change and are constantly evolving. If you see me in person, ask me. I can’t promise that they will stay the same, though!
What are you reading right now/ what was the last book you read? Are you participating in any reading challenges?
Right now, I’m revisiting Henry David Theoreu’s Walden Pond. We’re planning to visit the New England area in a couple of weeks and the setting for the book is on my bucket list for places to visit. I’m not participating in any reading challenges this year, but last year I set a goal to listen to an audiobook a week. I was able to finish 53 last year.
Where is your hometown? Were you born and raised in the same place?
My hometown is currently Mukilteo, WA.
What do you like to do on your days off?

It seems like I’m always working on my house. We typically do a few larger projects to our place each year, and I’m pretty handy, so I do a lot of it myself. Whenever I can, I like to take my little family on an adventure, and we always mix it up to reflect our different interests.
Do you have a favorite quote/ piece of advice?
Anyone can lead, but leading is best when shared.